You’ve been struggling with your digestion and elimination for some time now and NOTHING seems to be healing it.

You’ve tried every lotion, potion, pill, powder, drink and diet, yet the constipation, bloating, painful elimination, IBS, haemorrhoids and other undesirable symptoms are not clearing up.

You’ve sought all kinds of help including alternative therapies.

You just don’t feel like yourself. You feel sluggish, tired and irritable and you’re done living with these symptoms.

You’re fed up of the cycle of trying to work it all out and figuring out what’s causing it, taking one step forward and 3 steps back…

So gorgeous, it’s time for a new way of healing all of this…

What if I told you that what's keeping you blocked up, bloated and backed up, is the same issue that’s blocking ALL of your good from coming to you...?

What would you do then..?

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Because this issue goes way beyond what you're eating and drinking and when you heal what's going on on the inside of you..

…mentally, emotionally, spiritually and energetically, you experience massive external shifts too. So when you do this deep healing and releasing work: get ready to watch ALL of your good now flow to you.

You shouldn’t feel sluggish, constipated and moody. It shouldn’t be: painful, uncomfortable, bloated, hard, runny or smelly. It shouldn’t bleed, cut or hurt.

It should feel like a mini orgasm :-), a full release, an emptying. It should feel good, pleasurable and enjoyable.

It should be flowing, regular and smooth. It should feel amazing. You should FEEL amazing.

So if you’ve tried everything and the issues are still there… Is there something wrong with you..?

No. It’s just this information is different.

But it’s time for a new way.

 “It’s not just about what you eat & drink. It’s about what you think, feel, see, do, believe& perceive. It’s about what’s going on inside of you.”

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Laura-Jane Hand

Creator of The Perfect Poo

I know the title sounds a fun, but if you’ve struggled with your digestion & elimination for a while now, you’ll know that living with painful digestion, feeling constantly bloated, tired, irritable and you elimination is either not happening or it hurts.. then it’s ANYTHING BUT fun.

The information in The Perfect Poo took me YEARS, tears and untold amount of time, money and energy trying to figure out. I tried every pill, powder, superfood, diet, various therapies, healers and experts and none of it was helping. The issues kept coming back.

So what was causing it all? If the gut healing drink marketed beautifully to us, the sauerkraut, the clean diet, the yoga poses, the alkaline water, the ginger shots and the turmeric drinks aren’t working, what’s really going on? I had to find out and wouldn’t stop until I did. And now it’s time to share this knowledge on regardless of the fear I have about doing so!

Because it’s different to what’s out there; it goes way beyond what we eat and drink and it’s time more women knew what is REALLY causing their issue so that they can finally tap into the power within themselves to heal their bodies without relying on anything or anyone else.

Because what’s causing your issue is something that’s going on inside of you. A pattern you’re running; a state you’re living in; something that bothers you, consumes you and drains you. Something that upsets you, scares you and controls how you think, feel and act. And it impacts you mentally, emotionally, spiritually and energetically. And it doesn’t need to stay this way any longer.

We’ve got to get to the root cause of the problem. And when your poo feels better, everything in your life feels better AND all of your good including money, success, health, great relationships all aligns because MAGIC happens when life (and your digestion) is flowing.

What you're about to learn isn't standard, cookie cutter advice. And once you have this information, you'll always have access to the tools that work: no more searching, fixing or finding yourself.


You cannot, I repeat CANNOT, hope that another diet, drink, pill or superfood powder will heal you. Yes, you’ve even drank enough hot lemon water. It’s time for another way…

The reason why your digestion and elimination hurts at times: whether it’s constipation, bloating, IBS, haemorrhoids or any other undesirable symptom going on, goes WAY deeper than the food you’re eating.

Yes, you could change your diet, try a gut healing juice, drink hot lemon water until it’s coming out of your eyes and stay stuck in the cycle of it getting better and then getting worse again but not knowing why.

Or you could get to the root cause and heal yourself.

THE PERFECT POO contains 7 life changing modules.

That’ll help you to feel frickin’ amazing.

(I really wanted to swear at this point because it feels so good!)

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Module 1: Your Body: We go deeper than just what you’re eating and drinking and look at the state of your body and change this from a constant state of fight and flight and DOING - to a new energetic state of rest, relaxation and receptivity.

Module 2: Your Mind: We look at what thoughts and patterns you’re running that are impacting you. Based on your past experiences and fear of the future. We clear it all out. We focus on the main limiting belief that impacts women and blocks their good.

Module 3: Your Heart: We look at what you’re holding onto that’s blocking you up on the inside and outside. The pain, trauma and tough times are very real, but it’s time to stop letting this all block you up.

Module 4: Your Spirit: We look at your vibe, your energy and why it’s lower than it should be AND most importunely, how to uplift your energy.

Module 5: Your Soul: Then we reconnect you back to your soul with new fresh clarity and vision. Once the crap is cleared, you’ll start to see clearly.

Module 6: Upgrade You Energy: 3 Energy Healing Sessions that upgrade, shift and change your energy to release blocks without you having to figure it all out.

Module 7: A Gorgeous Wrap Up + How To Use This Information Daily

3 x HEALING POP-UP sessions from BELIEVE:

3 sessions with Kylie Bertram our resident Breath Work expert (Value £250)

3 Energy Healing and Upgrade Sessions with guided meditation to heal you at a very deep level. (Value £250)

Lifetime Access: Including all updates.

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I’m already on another course so will this be too much? Honestly, not at all. It’s actually a good thing. This will be a huge benefit to any other course because there isn’t anything like this and it works on you FEELING your best, so anything else you’re doing, will be massively improved through doing this.

I’ve done so many courses, how is this different? Because we work on the actual foundations, the root cause. No messing about. No more trying to find the latest sexy gut healing drink (that’s usually full of sugar) and figure this all out. Your body can heal itself and we help it do just that. This work feels different and it changes you on a deep energetic cellular level.

I don’t want this to just be another course. THE PERFECT POO isn’t really a course, When I was struggling to work all of this out, I couldn’t find what I needed to help me so I created it. It’s the information that went to another level, all in one place.

What is it all about and how can it help me? The whole point of THE PERFECT POO is to help you understand what impacts your digestion and elimination beyond food and drink. I tried everything… every diet, drink, pill, powder, potion, lotion and even spent £5k on an alkaline water machine. And nothing made a lasting impact. It took me years to work this stuff out and cost me thousands of £’s. Not to mention heartache along the way. And it’s all here, what works, in 7 modules.

What are your qualifications? I’m a trained yoga and breath work teacher and this forms the fundamentals of the healing work that we do. Plus I am a qualified performance and life coach so the combination makes a huge difference in your life.

I feel like I need 1:1 help. Great, you can always upgrade and add on 1:1 coaching sessions. Email and we’ll get this sorted for you.

I can’t afford it. Honestly, this course is nothing compared to what I spent trying to work all of this out. If someone has told me the answers were in here, I’d have snatched their hand off.

 Are You Ready..?

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By enrolling in one of my courses, you agree to the T&C’s.

If you are joining now, I encourage you to do this intentionally. Do this for the version of you already inside of you, waiting to be unleashed. Do this on purpose because she’s ready to be seen and heard. Do this because it feels right for you.

Disclaimer: I love my work and I deeply believe in the principles in them. The success stories I speak about are from real women who have worked with me and have experienced incredible results. I don’t guarantee or warrant results, or increased income, and neither can I guarantee a particular result in your love life. The testimonials on this website may not be typical for all women. The more you put in, the more you get out.